EDI Work

Showcase of some of the EDI work undertaken

Co-Chair of ERA Skills EDI Working Group (November 2022 - ongoing)
 The ERA Skills EDI working group will be set up to ensure that ERA Skills are actively engaging with a diverse set of doctoral researchers, and to understand potential barriers to participation and/or development for people with protected characteristic.
University of Nottingham Inspiring Women in Stem (January - March 2021)
Since 2019 the University of Nottingham has run the Inspiring Women in STEM programme. The aim of the programme is to encourage year 10 and year 11 secondary school girls to consider pursuing an education and subsequent career in STEM, by providing them with tangible and inspirational female role models.

Project #1 - WIS for Local Schools
The aim of the project was to create a pre-recorded webinar to promote STEM subjects to female students in local secondary schools.
Deliverables; Video,  Activity and Presentation

Project #2
- The Importance of Outreach and Role Models Webinar
Worked in a team of 5 of postgraduate students to plan and run 1h webinar/workshop.
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